Accueil 6 habits for a good night´s sleep

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29 avril 2022

6 habits for a good night´s sleep

#sleep habits #sleep tips #sleep routines

There is no right or wrong way to sleep, but it is important to make time to work on a routine that works for you. There are, however, some habits before bedtime that may improve your sleep quality. These include:  

Do not eat in bed

This could involve having a large meal before bedtime - this is commonly linked to experiencing indigestion or heartburn and increases the risk of high blood sugar levels, heart diseases, obesity and acidity. 

Avoid blue light distractions

It is important to keep all electronic device usage to a minimum, for at least one hour before bedtime. This is because the extra light distracts our natural production of melatonin. 

Create the right bedroom environment

Your sleeping environment is imperative to a good night's sleep, if your room is too cold, hot or noisy then you will struggle to get some shut-eye. This could even involve using your room as a multi-purpose room; for example, you work in your room in the day - this makes it harder to mentally detach from your day-to-day, resulting in a less relaxing, disrupted sleep.

Clean your bedding and bedroom

No one wants to fall asleep in a smelly environment! It is important to maintain good sleep hygiene at all times for a more relaxing slumber.

Find a time that suits you

Whilst your partner might need to be in bed for 9pm, you might find that you function differently and need to rest earlier or later - figure out what is best for you, and organise your routine around that. 

Follow a bedtime routine

a consistent series of activities in the 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime, done in the same pattern each night, will allow you to relax more easily. Bedtime rituals vary, but they frequently include relaxing activities such as taking a warm bath, reading, listening to music or meditation. 

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What are the best and worst food habits to help you sleep?

If you’re looking to change your lifestyle, it might be beneficial to observe your sleeping habits beforehand. Exercise, diet and sleep are all connected, and mastering one without the other can leave loopholes in your overall health and wellbeing. Sleep Science by Emma are experts in the science behind our beloved shut-eye. In this article, we break down the links between nutrition and sleep, deciphering the relationship between the two and what impacts the other. 

What are the best and worst food habits to help you sleep?

If you’re looking to change your lifestyle, it might be beneficial to observe your sleeping habits beforehand. Exercise, diet and sleep are all connected, and mastering one without the other can leave loopholes in your overall health and wellbeing. Sleep Science by Emma are experts in the science behind our beloved shut-eye. In this article, we break down the links between nutrition and sleep, deciphering the relationship between the two and what impacts the other. 

12 conseils scientifiques pour mieux dormir

Nous le savons tous : un sommeil de qualité est essentiel à notre santé physique et mentale. Et pourtant 33 % des adultes ne dorment pas suffisamment. Vous en faites partie ? Alors, découvrez dans ce guide 12 conseils scientifiquement fondés pour s'endormir, mieux dormir et se réveiller en pleine forme ! À retenir * Mieux dormir est une question d’hygiène de vie et d’habitudes à mettre en place, petit à petit. Sans pression ni culpabilité. * L’endormissement est favorisé par une alimentation adaptée (sucres lents, tryptophane, repas légers). * Plus votre corps et votre esprit seront détendus (bain chaud, méditation, silence, literie confortable), plus vous trouverez le sommeil facilement.  * Le sport est un allié du sommeil, à condition de le pratiquer au minimum 2 heures avant le coucher.

12 conseils scientifiques pour mieux dormir

Nous le savons tous : un sommeil de qualité est essentiel à notre santé physique et mentale. Et pourtant 33 % des adultes ne dorment pas suffisamment. Vous en faites partie ? Alors, découvrez dans ce guide 12 conseils scientifiquement fondés pour s'endormir, mieux dormir et se réveiller en pleine forme ! À retenir * Mieux dormir est une question d’hygiène de vie et d’habitudes à mettre en place, petit à petit. Sans pression ni culpabilité. * L’endormissement est favorisé par une alimentation adaptée (sucres lents, tryptophane, repas légers). * Plus votre corps et votre esprit seront détendus (bain chaud, méditation, silence, literie confortable), plus vous trouverez le sommeil facilement.  * Le sport est un allié du sommeil, à condition de le pratiquer au minimum 2 heures avant le coucher.

What should your bedtime routine be?

Sleep is a natural cycle which our body and mind should be able to do with ease, however, according to recent studies, 36% of adults struggle to get to sleep on a weekly basis and almost 1 in 5 have trouble falling asleep every single night. 1 This is why, here at Sleep Science by Emma, we’re passionate about helping you get a better night’s sleep, as it’s one of the most important aspects of your health and well-being. Establishing a good bedtime routine for adults is a simple task and once you get into this routine, your brain will shortly understand when it’s time to go to sleep.  

What should your bedtime routine be?

Sleep is a natural cycle which our body and mind should be able to do with ease, however, according to recent studies, 36% of adults struggle to get to sleep on a weekly basis and almost 1 in 5 have trouble falling asleep every single night. 1 This is why, here at Sleep Science by Emma, we’re passionate about helping you get a better night’s sleep, as it’s one of the most important aspects of your health and well-being. Establishing a good bedtime routine for adults is a simple task and once you get into this routine, your brain will shortly understand when it’s time to go to sleep.